I don't think it's a good idea. Only cowboys get rewards will create sense of inequality. This place is more fun without so much of conditions. Anyone can lose his hat only in a matter of 1 day, and stopping rewards for him only for this criteria is not a good idea.
It's hard to get a meaningful amount of rewards without finding a cowboy hat in the process.
Currently, rewards are arbitrarily limited to the top 100 stackers. I'm not advocating introducing a new element of inequality. I'm saying we should tie rewards eligibility to something meaningful rather than have an arbitrary limit.
There are more than 100 cowboys right now, so my idea actually expands eligibility and therefor reduces the sense of inequality you're concerned about.
I am curious, does anyone know or suspect who the top three are all the time?
Yes. If you look at the authors of the top posts you can get an idea of who’s missing from the leaderboard.