Senators, under the original constitution, were appointed by state governments, not elected by the people. This was a crucial part of the arrangement… it was the original separation of powers.
this territory is moderated
Correct, and that's what it falls back to or if a senator dies/leaves to accept a position such as VP or the Presidency.
However, this was amended because it goes against why our country was even founded. It didn't give the people a voice, or representation in the Senate. Our nation's biggest issue with the monarchy remember was taxation without representation.
I'm not reading your article though, because I'm sure it's probably some right wing propaganda trash.
Do we know why it was amended? Do we prefer no amendments?
Amendments are vital as it's the only way our nation has had the ability to progress and catch up with the rest of the world. What needs to change is how hard it is to amend our constitution, and I can't ever see an issue in the foreseeable future that would get 2/3rds of the states legislative bodies to ratify it to amend our constitution. No chance.
Yes, but the founders also wanted slow change. The Constitution isn't the problem. It is the politician that results from an apathetic electorate.
What needs to go is the electoral college. There is no argument for the use of it anymore to pick a President. One vote should equal one vote, and with the electoral college it doesn't. I mean Jesus Christ we almost saw a successful coup in 2020/2021 with Trump's fake elector scheme in multiple different swing states. Thank God Mike Pence (and I can't stand the man's policies) did the right thing and defended the constitution. Which btw you just said isn't the problem. But without the electoral college that fake elector scheme could have never happened.
I agree with this. 💯