• Look of how the shitcoins get washed out.
  • ""Bear"" markets in quotes because Bitcoin never gets into bear markets (source) but you know what I mean
  • By market cap there is just 1 shitcoin too high, then a lot of stablecoins and then shitcoin XRP is barely worth anything anymore lmao.
  • source is https://bitcoinexactforecast.com/ in 02. August 2022
I love how the picture really speaks for itself.
The proliferation of shitcoins just further proves the point that humans can't control themselves: when they have the ability to print, they print.
Bitcoin is the answer. Take the supply schedule out of human hands.
The inevitable death of the "shitcoin industrial complex" as Saifedean would say
I love how we have been talking about this for so long and now how suddenly it looks like it is within reach. It was so suddenly!