Hi, I am a security researcher seeking comments from the Bitcoin Developers sphere regarding a dimension often labelled "conspiracy" and "Unidentified Flying Objects".
My question is this:
What happens to Bitcoin when fuel-less sources of abundant electrical energy are available to everyone at home, for the price of a smartphone?
Please have a wander through the top transnational #InfoSec news at The Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive which immediately falls into the above mentioned categories due to the known attack vectors I have written about over the years (forgive the use of another blockchain tool here before I knew about Stacker News), based on decades of work completed by many others, living and on the other side.
The archive itself is not news itself, yet it is currently being processed by the United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability and many leaders of many nations. It is all about the existence of energy technologies which meet and surpass the criteria of being clean and highly energy efficient, while having a renewable energy source leading towards the development of new, clean, fuel-less energy generators, power units and systems for personal home applications. All this is beyond known alternative energy sources known as hydro, solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and nuclear sciences.
There could be a rapid response Bitcoin team on standby designated to triage any significant news from this ongoing disclose in order to act correspondingly on time.