Hey Stacekrs,
I'm excited to introduce BitEscrow, a revolutionary non-custodial Bitcoin escrow service. Our platform offers unmatched security, speed, and affordability for Bitcoin transactions. Here's what we're launching:
  • Developer Playground: Experiment with our API in a controlled environment with support for all test chains.
  • New Website: Explore our comprehensive resources including a developer page, branding guide, press kit, and more.
  • Developer Tools: Access our API, SDKs, NPM libraries, and test suite, all built from scratch using Typescript.
  • Key Features:
    • Non-custodial security
    • 187x faster transactions
    • 1/5th the cost of traditional services
    • Zero paperwork
We're setting a new standard for escrow services, making Bitcoin transactions more secure and versatile. Check out our new website and Developer Playground at BitEscrow.app.
Looking forward to your feedback and seeing what amazing projects you'll build with BitEscrow!
Fantastic! Congratulations!
When I have more free time, I'll give it a try and provide feedback .