A few stackers mentioned writing before, and I thought maybe I could share some of the insights I have learned during the last few years of my writing journey ( in another language). Also, thanks to everyone's support and kindness, I was able to conquer the fear of writing in English โ€” one of my posts is ranking top 10 of all time, and having the most zappers per post from @davidw's analysis, I'm more than happy to give back and share how I write and what tools I use so to help you level up in writing! ๐Ÿ‘€

๐Ÿค” Why Writing?

Writing is truly one of the great skills to have: 0 cost to start, and not many tools are even needed; all you need is time and patience, which is strangely scarce these days. ( scarcity creates value )
As Bitcoiners, we all talk about proof of work, writing original and useful content might be one of the best proofs of work since the internet is full of junk now, not only earning trust slowly but also creating leverage in the digital age because to be able to write and consistently, one needs to sit down quietly, ignore all the distractions and willing to suffer the struggles of your own thoughts, which says a lot about you already:)
Writing for me started from the drive to escape the 9-5 and live my life the way I want; I met a few interesting people a few years ago, and they helped me realize the charm of writing online โ€” leveraging the internet to attract serendipity and you only need 1000 true fans to make a good living, so If they can do it, what's stopping me?
I then started documenting my exploration in 2017, it's been a really rewarding journey, especially for my personal growth. However, not a great writer myself, but I do write for a living and have built different projects on top of it, and I've realized how many advantages writing has given me, to name a few:
  • Connecting with like-minded people โ€” when I was nomading around ( traveling solo and as a young female wasn't easy ), some of the audience reached out and even shared local tips with me; just imagine people you have never met but kindly give you a helping hand.
  • Saving time massively โ€” I no longer need to repeat the same thing over and over again when someone asks the same question that others have already asked, I would just send the related link, done.
  • Saving a lot of money on marketing whenever building projects because I already have some organic followings, and they would even spread the word for me:)
  • Getting to hire people from my audience instead of relying on any third parties, and they already knew my style, which already acted as a good filter!
Basically, the upside of writing is unlimited and wide open for everyone to explore, and the starting cost is 0.

โš’๏ธ My Practise

I like to keep things simple and have absolutely no schedules โ€” I write whenever I feel like to, and often time I spend hours or days writing, but I would take a break if not in the mood, I never force myself to write.
Here are the tools that I use:
A digital note-taking app, I mainly use it for flash inspirations when out and about ( pen and paper sometimes ); As a nomad, I realized that my creativity works at its best when I am out adventuring, which then leads to new ideas and thoughts, it's like collecting fresh ingredients waiting to be cooked at home later.
A great markdown tool, clean and simple. Live preview is available and is amazing for formatting! Also, you don't need to pay too much attention to formatting, mastering these to start is enough:
  • For title: # ( I usually use ### for headings )
  • For Bold text: command +B
  • For inserting links: command + K
For anything else, you can click the format to help.
I use Grammarly to fix typos and grammar; it works like a charm, especially for non-English native writers! And for anyone concerned about privacy, the way how I use it is I only copy the content that is meant to be shared in public and then paste it to the Grammarly browser version.
Set up your blog with Ghost or Substack.
If you would like to have your own blog, there are many great tools to get started, e.g. I set up mine with Ghost a long while ago; But if I would start everything again, I probably use Sustack, because you want to focus on writing not the tools, especially at this stage.
The best writing strangy - share what you have done or what you have learned.
Not only being skin in the game, but you can also share so much better and deeper from your personal experience, so one of the writing hacks is to DO MORE, then you have more fun to share, and you would never run out of things to talk about if you are living an interesting life.

โšก๏ธ Writing Tips

- Be Yourself.
Many people would put more effort into SEO or eye-catching titles in the fiat world, but for the long-term compounding value, the better strategy is actually to write what genuinely interests you instead of whatever is popular.
And I've come to realize that writing is actually about finding yourself: your voice, your style, and what you are interested in, and the most important part โ€” figuring out what unique value you can bring into the world. In times when people think the same, do the same, and live the same life, novelty is what people crave; With all these AI things happening now, I believe an authentic voice would be more appreciated in the future, just like people value handicrafts more than mass-produced factory products.
- Keep Practicing.
Fun fact: nobody knows what they want to write when they first started, and the only way to know is by doing it, aka keep writing. One of the underlying problems to be solved is to understand what brings you joy, and others love to see it too โ€” being useful for others while having fun is the goal, you need to find that sweet spot for yourself.
- Less is More.
You might have noticed that I don't share many posts because I would rather take my time to craft something people would always come back to again and again than some short-lived posts that once it's gone it's GONE. ( e.g. some of my old posts in SN still got zapped from time to time. )
Another thing is I do like long-form posts, but not long for the sake of being long yet full of meaningless words. Time is precious, respect your own time and others!
- Using Simple Words.
Using big words may seem impressive, but what it actually shows is insecurity. It might be able to fool the normies, but it's a bad way to "impress" Bitcoiners.
- Send it Out When It's done.
Don't be obsessed with being perfect, getting it done is more important because you can always improve it later, and don't be afraid of sending it out in the wild. ( One more tip: editing and writing should be done on different days, your mind is more clear this way. )
- Low Expectation is the Way.
Keeping your expectations low is the way โ€” I don't want to be rude, but I noticed that there are quite some people paying WAY TOO MUCH attention to the stacked sats rather than sharing and learning, which is quite an unhealthy mindset.
Also, if you need to be incentivized to write, it's not going to work because anything from outside is unsustainable. The way I see writing is to KISS, document your journey, share fun things, and maybe meet some interesting people along the way, then everything else is a bonus!

Writing in Fiat Platforms VS SN

I'm not sure how many writers here, but this is what I've been through in the fiat platforms:
๐Ÿคฎ Censorship
Some of my articles get deleted whenever I talk about something that I shouldn't.
๐Ÿคฎ High Cut-rate
The middlemen's platform fee could range from 3%-20%, and SN is 10%.
๐Ÿคฎ Feeling not being appreciated
Many people love free things and take things for granted, so you have many writers producing eye-catching junk and then selling useless shit; And you also have people really putting their heart into writing itself, pointing out the ugly truth, yet not being appreciated.
A platform like SN is a game-changer!
  • You are FREE to talk about whatever interests you.
  • You are simply being rewarded the BEST money by adding value.
  • No more middlemen sitting in between to tell you what you can or can't do.
  • Everyone is equal
It doesn't matter how many BTC you own or how many followers you have in the fiat world โ€” everyone starts from nothing and 0 trust, yet getting the same amount of exposure.
  • Great feedback loop
Sometimes, you share things to gain extra input or have meaningful discussions with others, but in the fiat world, most people are so used to click likes or simply reposts. Or say you are so wrong without providing anything useful as feedback, but many stackers here actually read and give thoughtful replies - if you ask good questions, you will receive different ideas from plebs from diverse cultural background and in different age groups!
๐Ÿ•ถ๏ธ The most important part: FUN
I'm not talking like the cheap dopamine that you get from social media, but fun on different levels:
1. You get to experience the future.
I remember when I first found out about SN back in 2022, wow LN login? One-click zaps? Simply sharing, then stacking sats? Web of trust? etc, and simply being around those building the future then you got to have a peak before others, which is a big advantage to plan your moves.
2. Getting to meet other free-thinking and freedom-loving individuals.
Bitcoin is like a brain wave lengths and core value filter: freedom, self-responsibility, and natural law, while the majority of our modern society setup is for divide and conquer, and finally, having a place where people can share and help others to learn and grow instead of yelling or hating each other.
3. Stacking skills and getting amazing information.
Personally I've leveled up from an average Bitcoin user to able to troubleshoot my own issues, advancing my own bank and shop setups, and guess what the craziest part is? Not only being able to meet some of the smartest yet humble plebs, learning new things everyday, and even getting to stack sats while having fun!

Final Thoughts

I remember when I first started to write in SN, I thought to myself, if one does believe quality is more important than quantity, one of the best pool of audiences is the toxic Bitcoiners because they can detect BS miles away and are brutally honest, which means is going to be fun and challenging at the same time, but just the fact that you can create useful content whiling having fun and being rewarded with the best money is quite wild.
Welcome to the Wild Westโšก๏ธ
I've written two guides on how to level up in SN too: The Art of Using Stacker News Part I and Part II; Happy writing, and feel free to ask me anything related to writing or let me know what you would like to learn more in The Art of Using Stacker News part III?
I hope all the new Stackers paid attention (and us older ones too).
I do feel like posting and writing are slightly different things, even though the one requires the other.
Because the Stacker News community is so full of interesting perspectives, I'm happy to post things that I'd be interested in discussing with others, even if I haven't fully formed my thoughts on it yet.
A lot of my writing takes place in the discussions that a post generates.
Because the Stacker News community is so full of interesting perspectives, I'm happy to post things that I'd be interested in discussing with others, even if I haven't fully formed my thoughts on it yet.
keep doing it as long as it works with you! โšก๏ธ
I noticed. Many times you can also create a great post from your discussions.
Excellent, thoughtful post (as always)
sharing them so to see more nice posts in SN:) win win!
108 sats \ 1 reply \ @Maximux 16 May
Creating valuable content is a great personal skillโœ’๏ธ
It is! the harder part is how to keep doing it, but then writing or providing value in general is like exercise, once you build up that habit or mindset, it just goes on its own.
Wha a beautiful writing !! Thank you ๐Ÿ™ I always wanted to learn writing even in my native language. It was always difficult to me to express my ideas simply. Would love to write a book once ๐Ÿ˜Ž
SN is def one of the good places to start your writing journey:)!
Can concur!
not necessary to become a writer, but writing is a great skill to have, especially since many conflicts happen due to miscommunication. ๐Ÿ‘€
Thanks @Natalia thatโ€™s really motivated me to keep writing and I like the โ€˜digital nomadโ€™ ideaโ€ฆ๐Ÿค”
happy to know! but then it is not about living the lifestyle, it's about getting control of your life; now that I can travel everywhere I want, but I'm much happier sitting down and learning how to make things, creating is deep happiness. ๐Ÿ‘€
Great post for learning about writing. I see a lot of people write here and there but success comes to those only who gave alue to writing.
looking forward to read more amazing content in SN!
Another great post! Congratulations!
... or let me know what you would like to learn more in The Art of Using Stacker News part III?
I was wondering how to beat the two hidden stackers who are always first and second on the leaderboard all day long. I'm starting to get suspicious ๐Ÿ˜‚
the cheat code is the same: share good stuff + zap the good stuff early.
but it's unnecessary paying too much attention to the rank I think, focusing on learning is better.
Solid information for writing in general, not just SN. One of the best University courses I took was Business Communications. The tools, and text book, serve me well 20 years later.
interesting, I learned these from my trial and error:) ๐Ÿ‘€
Experience truly is the best teacher!
yes, and I'm really curious to see how being a writer would work in the Bitcoin standard, now that ppl finally can focus on writing itself, and are free to explore whatever interests them.
I think about it kind of like the internet. You know how the internet allowed people with certain niche interests to find each other? Now with Bitcoin and Lightning Network payments, the money can also flow along these 'channels'. It frees us from the limitations of what the media feeds us. Something we hear so much in Bitcoin is how the incentives change everything. I think this is a perfect example. I think you're on to something - writing will change.
111 sats \ 1 reply \ @bief57 16 May
I like your work and your writing style, it is simple, concise and entertaining, even more admirable that you write in a language that is not your mother tongue. Keep writing and publishing! You are also absolutely right when you say that you only write when you feel in the mood, that makes your words calmer and your work more bearable, as when you write under pressure, the ideas do not flow in the same way. Thanks for the tips, examples and your anecdotes. You don't know me, but the first time I read you I felt inspired, and I said wow, I want to follow your example, I really want to take off the chains that bind me to start the nomadic life that I have wanted so much for 10 years, you encourage me ( even if you don't know it) to continue working and fighting for my dreams
really happy to know:))
and remember that the choice is always in your own hands! others or society can only influence your mind, thinking for yourself is the way out.
As always, you've again come up with incredibly genuine and interesting post. Bookmarked it. Thank you so much.
I myself is just a casual writer but of course If I can say 'to who I would idealise', your name would be on the top.
impressive post, I am very happy for your achievements, I have realized that to write better you also have to read a lot, this is something very important I think
reading, traveling, experimenting and sharing โ™ป๏ธ ๐Ÿ‘€
great post!
you are one of the stackers mentioned about writing, I hope this helps:)
Great post.
be sure to jump on obsidian.md you won't go back :)
Great post. Writing could be the one fearful thing we do every day until we practise enough such that it becomes second nature to us. xP
Have you used Obsidian before? Would you know about the differences between it and Typora since both allow individuals to use Markdown?
I used to be a productivity nerd and I was playing with Roam Research before Obsidian was even launched - I then tried it for a while due to you can use this offline, aka better privacy, but then at the end of the day, I decided to leave all these fancy tools because there is always something NEW, while all I want is focus on writing.
Masters can cook amazing dishes with simple tools, while amateurs keep getting distracted by the tools, but of course, pick whatever works for you then stick with it instead of keep thinking that you need better tools.
yes jump on it!