Good luck lol
To my understanding it is very crucial to get even more data to develop LLMs further (although the openly accessible internet is so big, the models need even more data). I see the Reddit deal as problematic as this opens opportunities to manipulate LLMs by creating fake Reddit posts etc.
More content slop being dumped on that site
now powered by AI
To me the final nail to using Reddit was when they disallowed custom apps. Right now I use Nostr and Stacker News instead the robot.
Lol Reddit is seriously whoring out their data to anyone who will throw them some cash
Oh man this is going to be hilarious. Remember when Twitter made Microsoft’s chat bot horrible and racist?
I can’t wait to see what the Reddit neckbeards do to OpenAI. 🍿🥤
Yeah, it will be interesting.
what are they going to do? Have ai moniter reddit? lol Reddit is going to corrupt the ai! HAHAHA Its going to get such a skewed perspective on life!