Many of us feel this way but aren't brave enough to pull the plug. There's a cost to being on social media and a cost to being off it - the cost to being on it is probably greater for most.
I spend most of my time on there finding signal among Bitcoin/Lightning builders to repost to SN but once a day I'll end up scrolling through a feed of noise or worse, all the builders are engaged in some noisy political debate themselves.
In a world of endless online content, the inputs that exist far exceed what we’re able to consume. The number of false inputs is limitless and they outnumber the truths.
Said another way, there's negative cost to creating noise online - you can post noise for free and possibly get a return on the noise you create via engagement. Only the audience pays for your content, whether it's good or bad. The incentives are broken.
Definitely. If I had not already built some rep & education, it would clearly be more difficult to achieve some of the things I had and continue to have. Not impossible, and not to say different paths wouldnt have had equally joyful outcomes, but it’s more logical to reason about keeping social media to network towards goals.
&& yeah I like some of Roy’s thoughts (from Breez) on consuming content. It all has a cost, but when we aren’t paying for it, it’s hidden. Micro pay walls are an important step in conceptualizing that everything that consumes time in life has a cost.
wen stacker news paywalls? 😂