The best thing about writing a diary is reading it, 5, 10, 20 years later and better understand how you became yourself.
I have been writing my journal for the past 11 years. I don't write daily but I try to keep records on important events like meeting people, moving houses, moving jobs, family functions, readings... I also try to write down the price of stuff for future generations and because some of it bother me.
PRO TIP: Dont be too negative. Your diary should not be a notebook to vent all your frustrations, but a record of your day-to-day life and most intimate thoughts.
Thank you for your contribution, I appreciate it very much, writing a diary for 11 years is not easy at all, and yes, you are right, perhaps that is the best part of all, reading it years later or having your grandchildren read it, on the other hand, I am a very positive person, so negativity I don't think is a problem