No, I've never seen someone making a joke of this indecisiveness found in women. Idk, why people put so much stress on such minor things? It's inherent in womanhood, it has nothing to do with survival strategy. Even those women who are living as singles often can be indecisive about what to Cook for dinner.
I've lived alone from 2007 to 2022 and there were times when I couldn't decide what to Cook for dinner? So, as a man of I can be in the same situation, why a woman can't? No matter of joking, it's normal behaviour.
It's inherent in womanhood, it has nothing to do with survival strategy.
So, as a man of I can be in the same situation, why a woman can't? No matter of joking, it's normal behaviour.
Is indecisiveness "inherent in womanhood" or "normal behavior" - which is to say species inherent behavior that has nothing to do with "womanhood"? You're not clear here.
What's the benefit of being indecisive if it doesn't have to do with survival or even resource acquisition? Are you suggesting that people behave in ways that have no purpose and could even be disadvantageous to their survival "just because"? You'd die if you couldn't figure out what to eat.
Haha! I can't argue more on this as this simple/normal behaviour of being indecisive for normal things ain't gonna let someone die.
When you can't figure out what to Cook, just let someone else decide it for you. That's easy.