In short, laziness is what's stopping me.
However, I don't want to imply that my posts would at your level, even if I really applied myself.
Once I get some writing projects done at work, I might be freed up to make more of an investment in my writing at SN.
Keep writing until you build up that habit, then you will feel bad if all you do is consume all day without producing. 🫡
One of my goals on SN is to make contributing here more worthwhile for people. That's why I zap so much and make so many comments.
In my experience, people tend to get more value out of being heard than out of hearing.
That's quite an interesting but unusual observation. One is usually taught to listen than to talk. It resonates with me though at some level. In Korea, many do not tend to speak up or give their opinion, especially when in a hierarchical setting.