Worth keeping in mind that HN has probably two orders of magnitude more users than SN does, and it's hard to know what SN would look like, or operate like, under those conditions. Hope to find out eventually, tho :)
Related: I've been on HN for a decade or more, and I literally couldn't name a single other user. Very different feel from here, different paradigm of interaction. One of the most interesting things to me is exploring these differences.
Exactly right. My experience.
Curious too about SN in 100x regime ;)
I would personally much rather see SN in a 2x regime, where the new people are of similar quality to our current stackers.
If it's any comfort, that seems the much more likely growth path, given the frictions involved. Which means that people around now, and the culture unfolding now, will likely be way more consequential than it would be in other places.
Which is both something to celebrate and something to fear. Massive leverage on SN to Be The Change.
I expect this growth path as well. @k00b mentioned wanting SN to stay sort of fringe for the near future, on the last SNL.
It's a lot like weeding a garden. If we don't let undesirables get a foothold, then they won't takeover.