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thats the official opening of ww3, no doubt that this was a us operation
Iran is not a power capable of starting World War. It's not the times of Achaemenid Empire anymore.
Yes true, I didnt want to say that it's a decision from anyone or any nation. but the result/effect of this happening is immense. to complex to describe this in some short words.
History will show WWIII started with Crimea.
On NO AGENDA it has been speculated that one intelligence service will contact another to let them know that SO AND SO is too powerful and needs to eat dust.
I can't be any more specific.
gimme me more juicy infos and I would love to see some evidence. we can move to i2p or something safe if you can share something more specific
Just remember it understand Iran is Arian.
But also understand that the cabal of central banking is all over the planet and they sacrifice servants and they also sacrifice their own.
banks are evil but fucking dumb...it is what it is :D there is an exploit for the euro system which allows you to print as much money as you want on your own WITHOUT the involvment of any criminal behaviour. (no I will not publish it, but I am doing no jokes!)
That 'I can't be any more specific.' made me thought you might have some more not public leaked information
We don't have any side information.
So many incidents are happening. People are being disappeared. Conspiracy?
Wow thanks!
another regional leader against israeli influence is disappeared...
Hmmm, how did the Iranian's get a Huey?
They have the world's finest fleet of my favorite aircraft - The F-4 Phantom and some F-14s. They used to be homeys.
The f-4 is badass!
Got to sit in them as a kid and I have a photo of my step-father (Aviation Electrician's Mate) sitting on one like a horse pulling out the wiring harness off the coast of Vietnam in the early 70s. He's nearly at the tail, which is hanging over the deck.
Cool for their era, but would stand no chance against any modern fighter aircraft.
That's kind of true for anything in its era, right?
B-52 is few years older, but still flying. :)
Amazing mass death bringing platform for sure.
These are still flying. Just not for the country with the dominant, by orders of magnitude, Military-Industrial Complex and defense contracting companies in every Congressional district.
They mainly used Western equipment before 1979 revolution.