Longtime readers of Nicole Express might know that I dabble in playing the organ. But sometimes I want to play with sounds that don’t have the organ’s definitive sustain capability; sounds like the piano. The Electone ME-30 had some capability to do this, but limited to its built-in FM synthesizer. I wanted something with a more realistic sound. I also wanted something a little weird; maybe, say, a boombox with a floppy disk drive? Sure, why not. PLUS: MIDIx filters! Windows 95! Final Fantasy IV!

The Yamaha MDP-10

The Yamaha MDP-10 is quite a sight. It’s exactly what I said: a 90’s compact boombox form factor (maybe a little less rounded, but that’s not bad thing), the green is a little weird maybe, and then at that point you see a floppy drive on the front of it.

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