I do not understand in what way you have never felt? Do you mean to say that you have never felt indecisive?
I do not suggest in my argument that women get ignored. I present instead an idea to explain human behavior by virtue of a gendered example. Please see the below addendum.
I believe indecision, conformity, and groupthink are behaviors that may be exhibited by any member of the species as secondary social strategies/behaviors to ensure survival by deferring power to another party.
My argument highlighted “women” being indecisive about dinner because I felt that the argument may come to a reasonable conclusion rather quickly.
Now, I realize it’s a relatively innocuous example of this phenomenon of indecision/agreeability (compared to the bystander effect, or how regular men became Nazis) and both stand by the example and wonder how to continue to write on the topic.
Elsewhere, I have written:
People use social strategies that amount to evading responsibility in order to ensure survival. In this example of a man and a woman negotiating about what to eat, the woman is more likely to resort to defer responsibility as a means to compensate for a lack of physical negotiating power.