Not only do I agree that WW III is likely, I think we’re probably already in it.
Remember that the date given in hindsight for both previous world wars is long before anyone thought they were in such a conflict.
Even you believe there will be a WW3?
Yeah, I think we're in it already and have been for a few years.
Whaaaat? No way. Have to be optimistic.
We'll see. I hope you're right.
I dont want to be dragged into another war. I grew up with the 9/11 and Iraq war. That is miserable enough, losing friends to that.
The US is planning on putting boots on the ground* in Palestine and Trump launched that assassination of an Iranian general. I think it's only a matter of time before that situation blows up.
Russia and China both have their own tensions in the Middle East. It's an extremely volatile situation and no one seems to be pulling us back from the brink.
*Technically, they're going to put boots on a floating pier and attach the pier to Palestine.
What? This sounds crazy. Trump doesnt have that kind of power lol
The Trump one was while he was president.
I think you are right.