Not sure what is the solution. Pool centralisation is a problem for sure. What people can do who live in a high electricity cost environment ? Lottery mining sound fun although it come with a cost and probably never will find a block.
If you live in a place with high electricity costs (like myself), you'll have to choose hosting in a location with cheaper electricity. But be careful, as there are many scammers out there.
If you want a 100% guaranteed return, you'll have to join a mining pool. As individuals, perhaps we should start choosing pools with less participation, but there's no incentive other than providing more security to the network. For the vast majority of people, this is insufficient incentive.
Lottery mining is fun if you do it purely as a hobby. You can buy a device with relatively low power consumption and have it running to see if you get lucky. Your chance of winning will be minimal, but there's slightly more chance than with the traditional lottery...
Thanks for commenting!
Thank you for your answer, which hosting company you would recommend ? I always play with the idea to buy few asic from sazmining.
I've been with SBIcrypto for years, and I haven't had any issues. I'm very happy with the service, and it's a small pool