The collapse of fiat has already begun. All over the globe.
Yet most people are completely unaware. That’s the latest warning out from Cathie Wood.
Cathie Wood is the founder and CEO of ARK Invest.
In her latest update to investors, Cathie pointed something out:
We are seeing major global currencies collapse.
Right at this very moment
“I’m just looking at the devaluations that are taking place around the world. Many people don’t know about them because they’re not hitting the headlines.”
She’s not wrong.
In just the last 2 months, we’ve seen two major currencies plummet in value:
  • First off, the Egyptian pound, which fell 40%. They had to be bailed out by the UAE. Egyptian Pound collapses 40% in March
  • Earlier this month, we saw the Yen tumble to a 34-year low.
It’s clear that modern monetary systems are broken.
Throughout history, 1 thing is inevitable: fiat currency collapses.
Again & again & again.
However, this time around, Cathie argues another factor is at play.
For the first time in human history, there’s an alternative.
“I think one of the things that's going on is Bitcoin. There is an insurance policy out there. These poor people that have their wealth and purchasing power in that 1 currency are learning everyday: ‘I have to change this.’ Now they have a way to do so. If they have an internet connection. That's pretty exciting.”
Looking back in 10 years, it will be obvious.
Yet so few are paying attention.
I don't think fiat collapses. It will fizzle out slowly slowly over a long time frame.
Also I don't think people have to pay attention to Egypt. Egypt is certainly a beautiful country, rich history etc but it's just not relevant. In 2011 there was a revolution there and economically it just doesn't matter.
Different for Japan. But I think most people don't think anything will change even if the currency dies. People will take the hit, people might suffer but in the morning they will still go to the Toyota factory assembly line. Nothing ever happens.
Man, I hope you are right. More time for adoption to flourish and help the people.
Cathie wood....I would take her words with a huge amount of salt. She is only interested in her ark.
Haha, I’m going to have a look at what you mean.