All this process has been a great learning for me and that's why I decided to document it. Connecting your node isn't (yet) that intuitive as it should, to auto withdraw your sats and use SN in a fully noncustodial manner. Consider this just a reference, it's generic due to my current tech skills did not enable me to cover all scenarios, so many things will not exactly match your case as it will be mostly depending on your node OS implementation. However, hope you'll find the following steps useful.

0. Open a channel with SN node

This is not mandatory, but it will definitely help the autowithdraws to find a cheaper and faster path toward your node.
connect anonymously via Tor
via terminal:
lightning-cli connect <node_id> <ip> [<port>] lightning-cli fundchannel <node_id> <amount_in_satoshis>
It could also be a private channel and this will allow you to use it exclusively for your autowithdraws and get the cheapest and faster transaction ever setting Base Fee (mSats) and Fee Rate (mSats) equal to zero. By command line should be something like (depending on which node OS you are running):
lightning-cli setchannel <channel_id> <base_fee_millisatoshi> <fee_per_millionth>
<base_fee_millisatoshi>: This is a fixed amount of satoshis that will be charged for every payment routed through your channel, regardless of the payment's size.
<fee_per_millionth>: This is a variable fee represented in millionths of a satoshi per satoshi routed, essentially a percentage of the transaction amount.
... or you could also easily use Ride The Lightning in case you have it installed:

1. Get your rest host and port

SN supports both connections types, tor or clearnet. I highly suggest tor as it provides much more privacy and does not leak your node's IP, as SN is missing a warrant canary and does not yet issue any transparency report, stating that it had not received any national security letters or legal notice to disclose user data.

2. Get your invoice only rune

A rune is a base64 string with a unique id which can be used to access commands on your node. It's important to limit the commands the rune we'll use to only allow method=invoice.
So it's now time to open the terminal in your device and connect to your node via ssh, usually something like ssh user@node.local, and then run the following command to generate one:
lightning-cli createrune restrictions='["method=invoice"]'
It's useful to verify the rune has been correctly created, verifying the list of existing rune running the following command:
lightning-cli showrunes
You can see all official documentation about lightning-commando-rune from here.

3. Get your cert

The certificate is located inside your node and is easily accessible via CLI via terminal with the following command:
sudo nano ~/core-lightning/data/c-lightning-rest/certs/certificate.pem
Make sure the path is correct, and, if it's, you should get a new window with the certificate. This certificate is encoded with base64, copy it and make sure you remove all spaces before pasting it to the SN form.

4. Set your desired balance

Last values to set are the desired balance to be left on SN wallet and the maximum fee as a percent of the withdrawal amount. I assume that if a channel is set toward SN node (as explained in step 0) we can also set zero here. I decided to set 1 just in case. I also set zero on desired balance because I do not want SN to be a wallet, but just an app I use to share and learn.

5. Attach and troubleshoot

Hitting the attach button will submit the information attached in the form. When using Tor, it could take a bit, so be patient and wait for the outcome to appear in the log section below. In my case, still have unsuccessfully completed the goal, so my CLN node is not yet attached due to an error:
21m [cln] ERROR could not connect to CLN: request to https://hidden.onion:2104/v1/invoice failed, reason: write EPROTO C077EC2F067F0000:error:0A00010B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:354: 21m [cln] ERROR failed to attach wallet
I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong, or if the Tor connection is maybe so unstable that give me this error... Anyway, ideally, I'm still waiting for @k00b and @ek to confirm what's going on from @SN side. If you have a CLN node and want to play around, head to wallet > attach wallets > CLN and try to connect your node.
It will be nice if you can comment below your experience attaching your CLN node, either via clearnet or tor, so it might help better understand and learn how to correctly achieve this goal!
31 sats \ 7 replies \ @k00b 20 May
Thanks for the write up. Super helpful!
This looks like an ssl version mismatch. I think @ek was discussing this on github before. We should be able to get this fixed once he comes online.
Glad it helps, hopefully more people will be incentivized to connect their own nodes and remove some liability from SN!
Any plan for a warrant canary page?
43 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 20 May
Yes, we've been discussing adding a canary icon to the footer that will turn into a dead canary if I don't post a signed message to an API endpoint once per month or something.
Just be sure not to automate it ;)
That will be super cool! Thanks
i have tried to attach wallets over tor and come up with the same failed to attach wallet issue. havent tried CLN yet but will soon.
Hey, thanks for the guide! Formatting looks great, just unfortunate that the connection failed, lol
Regarding the error:
request to https://hidden.onion:2104/v1/invoice failed, reason: write EPROTO C077EC2F067F0000:error:0A00010B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:354:
I've seen this error multiple times in the past. Unfortunately, I don't remember how I fixed it but after some research that also mentions this, I think I remember: it's when the response is HTTP not HTTPS which confuses openssl (good error messages are hard).
So just to be sure, are you sure you are running CLNRest over HTTPS not HTTP? But I guess the error could also happen under a lot of different circumstances, this might just be the most common cause.
Another thing I noticed is that you looked at a file named certificate.pem in a directory dedicated to the CLNRest plugin. Which CLN version are you running? It seems like you are not running at least v23.08 since CLNRest is a built-in plugin from this version on. It then stores the certificates at $HOME/.lightning/mainnet/.1
If you tell me which version you are running, I can check compatibility or if you might used a wrong certificate. certificate.pem is ambiguous since there should also be a server certificate in the same directory. In v23.08, the certificate we need is called ca.pem. It's the certificate of the certificate authority (CA) which establishes the trust chain, commonly called root certificate (yes, SSL/TLS is confusing).
Also, how did you encode the certificate? It might be already stored as base64 or hex in your version, but in v23.08, I have to run xxd -p -c0 ca.pem to get it in hex. My CA certificate starts with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- which means it's not base64 or hex. Is this not the case for yours?


  1. That your node uses "c-lightning" is also an indicator for an old version since they call themselves core lightning now โ†ฉ
Thanks! Great and beautiful post!
Also very helpful. Will try it out.
I'm glad, let us know if you get any error or if you successfully connect the node!
Great guide. Thanks for sharing.