It's true that they wouldn't have to do it and it would be a stupid move, but doesn't history show us many absurd decisions?
If they had 51% of the network, they could even generate transactions at will, change the block rewards, or alter many of the things that are currently strengths of the network.
I don't think anything will happen, I'm just raising the question and presenting the information to spark debate. 😉
but doesn't history show us many absurd decisions?
People are irrational, that I know, but one might hope that there's no total idiot running these mining operations--- then again, we've got megalomaniac clown's in some of world's most powerful positions...
If they had 51% of the network, they could even generate transactions at will, change the block rewards, or alter many of the things that are currently strengths of the network.
Oh no, they just outed themselves as the bad guys, what will the network do? 👀