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One of the first duties of a doctor is to teach the masses not to take any medicine. - William Osler
All things are poison and not anything else but poison, the dose alone makes that thing not poison. - Paracelsus
Don't think the first quote needs much more explanation than that. Unfortunately, modern 'doctors' and healthcare systems at large have been heavily corrupted by the idea and incentive that patients = profits. This is why it is important for us to learn about and take accountability of our own health, and consistently work on improving it because if not the system will continue to take complete advantage of our lack of knowledge all the way down to our last breath and penny.
"Paracelsus, a Swiss physician and alchemist of the Renaissance, is often referred to as the father of toxicology. His statement highlights the idea that any substance can be harmful if taken in large enough quantities, and conversely, even toxic substances can be harmless or beneficial in small doses. This principle is known as the dose-response relationship." - ChatGPT
Paracelsus specifically addresses the dose-dependent nature of both the harms and benefits of substances, however this principle aligns well with the concept of hormesis too. In contemporary society, where life has become significantly safer, more stable, and comfortable, we can observe that this lack of stress and absence of physical and mental challenges have contributed to a rise in mental health issues and autoimmune diseases. This illustrates that too much comfort can become the "poison" Paracelsus warned about.
Conversely, many are now recognizing the immense benefits of deliberately engaging in "poisonous" activities—where short-term exposure to stressors, such as high-intensity exercise, deliberate hyperthermia (e.g., sauna use), or hypothermia (e.g., cold showers), can yield significant health benefits. These controlled exposures to stress can trigger adaptive responses in the body, enhancing resilience and overall well-being. Thus, embracing hormetic stress can be seen as a modern application of Paracelsus's insight into the importance of dose and balance.
Actually, there is a reason why Taiwan has so much kidney failure. Because of their universal healthcare, they give out medicine like its going out of style.
Because of their universal healthcare, they give out medicine like its going out of style.
That's both funny and sad.
But so true. People go to the hospital just to go. It jams up the system. I bet there is more medicine in their water supply than any other place in the world. You have to boil the water even after it is filtered!
Yeah, you know, there truly is no end to man's idiocy...
That's very scary but not surprising. The US has the same attitude towards meds and so does Japan.
Its bad. They are depopulating on purpose.