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This post is going to delve a little deeper into the "why" I believe this business model is more aligned with the "Bitcoiners" of the world.
If you are curious you can read my latest post here: #542701
I promise I will get to the rest of the business model over the coming days for those that are interested....but I really feel like this is a good tangent to go down...
For me the promise of bitcoin becoming the base protocol humanity will use going forward into the future, is not only inevitable but it is the greatest opportunity humankind has ever had to align our system of value communication with actual reality....like the reality or truth if you will, of the universe....
This "alignment" if you will - allows us to become stronger just by using Bitcoin...stay with me here, that last part is important.... This business model allows me to strengthen the my business through its utilization of the Bitcoin network. Just by simply holding bitcoin it becomes stronger as a result of "number go up" and that is the "end" of the story for many of us...If you read my other posts you know that I take it even further...
I incentivize my residents(customers) to use bitcoin as their method of payment by providing them with a return of a % of the price appreciation (in USD terms) of that payment for up to 6 months after they have paid. This (I believe) "incentivizes" them to pay utilizing this method which does 2 things.
What I feel is the most important "emergent behavior" if you will:
  1. Is it strengthens the network through additional users, who (through this process) have to learn about how this works and stick with using Bitcoin for a longer period of time.
  2. Is it allows for both of us to discuss, share, and "communicate" value to each other as we both benefit from the strengthening of the network (and for now at least we both benefit from the increase in the USD/FIAT value going up as well).
Now here is the part that even I have lost track of from time to time... This incentive business model works in every single case except one... The only way it doesn't work is if Bitcoin fails. Period....full stop!
That's the beauty of this model - Anyone can use it, anyone can provide their customers with the incentive to learn more about how Bitcoin works through their participation over longer time horizons and it works with as close to zero risk as one can get. (I know if you are "new" to Bitcoin you are likely not in the "mindset" of zero risk or you think Bitcoin might fail....but I am here to tell you....there are a whole lot of people in Bitcoin right now, that have moved beyond this mindset.... In fact this "fear" of what if Bitcoin fails or goes to zero is (in my opinion) the single greatest reason why you are not building your value on this protocol.... Bitcoin works. Period....Full stop!
This model works - because Bitcoin works.... This model works - because my "old model" worked.... If my "old model" was in trouble, or leveraged to its gills, than this Bitcoin Incentive Model would be very difficult indeed as their wouldn't be any room for me to manage the balance that is necassary right now for me between Bitcoin and FIAT...but because the numbers work, because I'm not over-leveraged with debt, I can simply transition to the Bitcoin system with the only risk being (Bitcoin going to zero).
My thoughts are that as I (and my residents/customers) also transition into the Bitcoin system with me, is that we will only get stronger (both in users and in "value" terms as compared to FIAT) and my "residents/customers" are going to be going out into the FIAT system and asking the businesses they provide value to, to please get on the Bitcoin system....this "ground up" approach and incentive system will strengthen our network, strengthen our thoughts, and strengthen us all over time.
Thanks for reading - Hope it was valuable to you - Let's keep building together and strengthening Bitcoin together!
I strongly recommend people read the previous post, if they missed it the first time. This is a very promising endeavor that anyone with long-term economic relationships could adopt.
THIS is the start of building the Bitcoin Circular Economy ! For more bitcoin will flow around from one individual to another, stronger will became.
We need people like you to showcase the blueprint and show that it can work, it's going to be interesting so see how it progresses with time, and how you balance the volatility of running a business and the perceived volatility of Bitcoin.
I am particularly interested in your settlement agreements, since you have conviction you're willing to "take the knock" upfront, I think most businesses will have to do it, to entice the customer to convert, be that a upfront discount, rebate, or even reduced rates because you're saving on banking and all those other fees, i think theres margin to play with for different businesses.
I also think this method also becomes more popular (for those not fully sold on Bitcoin but want the benefits) if there are financial services for businesses to access liquidity without selling their bitcoin and creating taxable events.
If you have fiat liablities now, you always have to balance that, but if you could borrow and service the cost you can tap into fiat anytime to settle those unexpected expenses or when cash flow is tight.
I'll be curious to see how the model work during bear market! You'll keep us updated?
bull / bear market is the fiat maxi mindset... a total bullshit. We are NOT here to follow that crap. This post is NOT about that, is about bringing the Bitcoin mindset into the people's mind.
I probably wrongly formulated the question. Applying logic to this approach, if the tenant receive sats back when PGU, then it should add the difference when PGD. My point was simply that.
I assume no one will be going to the tenant and ask for the difference in sats... indeed, it will be a great opportunity to have them learning the value of bitcoin in the long term.
For this same reason, I wonder if @thecommoner establishes a fix price of sats from the beginning? maybe directly in the contract? or is the contract in fiat and converted in sats at the moment of paying?
Please watch this short video about how we can start the bitcoin circular economy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GquPdAFQ40U
I pay my rent where I live rn, in BTC, P2P, wallet to wallet, every month. Yes, the contract was made in in fiat value, but I pay it ate the exchange rate at the payment day, in sats, directly to the owner.
In time, we could make a new contract expressed directly in sats, no matter how much will be the exchange rate. But for the moment the owner is just a newbie, learning and start accumulating from my sats.
Important is that every new bitcoin user will start being paid in BTC not buying from an exchange. Once they get a certain amount, they will start also spending in sats, slowly and so on... This is a long process that start with moving away from the fiat mindset and slowly start thinking ONLY in sats.
I pay my rent where I live rn, in BTC, P2P, wallet to wallet, every month.
This is impressive, congrats being able to organize in this way.
  • Did you know the owner before or how you were able to build such trust with him/her?
  • Did you provide the bond in BTC, maybe with a Multisig transaction ?
  • How are you paying the bills? I assume you are paying it in BTC as well, you compensate the landowner directly or use an external service?
Yes, in the beginning they didn't accept BTC, but then talking and became friends, I was bringing the subject on the table and were interested. Now they love it.
I negotiate to pay the electricity included, with sats. All my groceries are paid also in BTC to a local shop or online. I still have some other expenses that I cannot pay directly in sats, but I manage with a friend to give him sats and he pays my other bills in fiat. In this way I will help him stacking sats and not using any fiat bank account anymore,
Absolutely all downside risk is on me - the contract is written in FIAT terms - as that is the how I had valued the property when it was purchased and currently all the expenses are valued...so the resident(s) will pay sats based on exchange rate at the time rent is due....
they can "recognize" the 50% share of value appreciation in those sats at any time for the 6 month period afterwards....so this is the real risk to the model....if FIAT value of sats moons...lets say 10x's they could in essence "lock in" 3 or 4 months of rent free in FIAT terms....and if I have overleveraged myself and the FIAT value of those sats drops again....it is on me (the business)....now I know this, and I am not over-leveraged and I am know this will happen from time to time....and I welcome it :)
My hope is that it would also strengthen my resident(s) willingness to use sats even more in the future and maybe even harden their resolve to my level...and have them begin pushing other businesses and/or starting their own businesses operating on Bitcoin!
Of course I will keep updating as time goes on....I am hoping to get a Non-profit registered and funded as well to see if it can work from both worlds...both For and Not for - profit :)
My personal feeling is the not-for profit might be able to utilize its status to demonetize properties at and even quicker rate which may help alleviate some of the financial hardships the for profit world is struggling with currently.... "soften the landing" so to speak...
Very nice post. I've read your last post and have come up with my id a that I should start a property sell/buy business for INdia exclusively. What do you say about bringing an online platform where a p2p but sell happens.
I am not 100% sure what you mean about the p2p but sell?? I do think any business operating on Bitcoin is going to win!