I am the creator of plugin #56030, and I want to clarify that I am not the same person as the previously mentioned plugin creator. While I did reference their Go code for inspiration, I have developed an entirely independent plugin with a distinct utility.
My plugin serves a different purpose and leverages a unique API. In fact, I have personally invested in accessing a specialized API to provide my plugin's unique functionality.
Although there might be some structural similarities due to referencing open-source code available here, my plugin is fundamentally different in terms of purpose, functionality, and the API it utilizes.
this territory is moderated
Okay thank you Brian for clarifying
I did note that your GitHub account was way older than theirs which were created in the last few days
I'll review your plugin shortly and we'll rework this process moving forward
Thank you so much! I look forward to it.
"Brian is Nice, Brian won't do such a shameless act"