Signing any Legal form

People within corporate government departments cannot act against you without your consent. To achieve this consent they will offer you to sign their paperwork, documentation and forms.
With the knowledge of the Plebetoral system and Black’s Law dictionary, the deceptive writing within these forms is clear to see.
The person presenting you with a form to sign is trying to gain your “Assumed” consent, and not “Informed” consent.
Note: the word inform comes from two Latin words; in meaning “into” and forma meaning “form” or “shape”. When combined it means “give form or shape to”, also “form the mind of, teach” and “shape, fashion, describe”.
However the word Formal from the ancient Greek language means “with form” and “In-Formal” means “without form”. The Greek word “in”, before “formal” means “not, opposite of”.
You will be asked to use black ink, write in all caps, and tick a box denoting your title, whether it’s Mr, Mrs or Miss.
This gives consent to using a title against your name, placing you within the jurisdiction of “Mercantile Law”.
The black ink refers to death, or dead entity and the all caps makes reference to your corporate name, and not you.
Never use their paperwork, always use your own.