If you need truly private communications you should not use email. The benefit of protonmail is that google doesn't get to passively scan the body of all your email correspondence to feed their data and ai models. Unless you are corresponding with a gmail account. Which you probably are.
Seriously, if you need better privacy you need to get off email.
Yes ofc but that approach is way to high if we talk about private communication in general (and not just in the contect of emails). you need to go to the lowest level. I am full anon for a loooong time. but the opsec is extremely expensive on that level. it starts with the hardware and all providers you use. I would never communicate with TCP/IP for a safe connection! And have you ever thought about the charging cables you use for your devices ;) ?! Unfortunately I cant specify the last statement in this env^^
Perfection is impossible. Aim for improvement.
perfection is only possible in theory as long as you are the best in a specific field. but you cant verify that....so in practice impossible yeah :D