Eurozone Europeans will soon learn what it means to live in an era of fiscal dominance. The continuing growing deficits in the public budgets of the eurozone are forcing the European Central Bank to monetize the debt.
This will continue to be reflected in the prices of goods with a time lag, especially since the euro has the problem of not being backed by anything other than the sad attempt of a net zero emission policy, better known as climate moralism. The euro is not an energy-backed or gold-backed stable currency, it lives solely from the confidence propaganda of the ECB and the European Union defended in the media. Its downward spiral will begin faster than the Europeans would like.
Ah, as EU country citizen I hope it will accelerate to the destruction quick. And even more I hope something else than socialism would be the next solution.
I am optimistic that at some point, this horror structure will collapse under its own weight. complex societies cannot allow centralized control and command structures.
Some day will we give good economic news in Europe? what a mess
The day will come... but then I won't be on this earth anymore
At this rate neither you nor I will be alive, I hope our children see something better.
Yep. Me too
We are all in this together.