Since I'm getting in early, I'll take "The Splash Brothers" Steph Curry and Klay Thompson.
"The Twin Towers" has been used several times in NBA history, but for me it will always mean David Robinson and Tim Duncan.
Here's a good one that I don't think anyone else is going to take: "The Davis Brothers" I know that may seem like a really boring nickname, but the fun part is that Dale and Antonio Davis are not brothers. They are exactly the same size, though.
I am usually a fan of Doris but I can’t stand her fawning over the Celtics. She is going on about Brown defending Siakam and the replay shows Brown blatantly push Siakam out of bounds and she responds “a bit of physicality” rather than just admitting “he got away with one there”.
She and JJ are fine, but Jeff van Gundy and Mark Jackson were legitimately entertaining.
Overall the announcing has been pretty good this playoffs.
All good ones. I think there should be something for Jalen and Jaylin Williams for OKC. I am sure it has happened before but has to be pretty rare two guys with the same name are on the same team.