PRAYER OF THE DAY - John 17:17

Heavenly Father, as we begin this new day, we turn our hearts to You in search of Your truth that sanctifies and guides us. We recognize that Your word is true and eternal, capable of leading us on the journey of life. May the light of Your truth shine upon us this day, illuminating our paths and revealing to us the mysteries of Your infinite love.
Lord, grant us the discernment to understand Your truth and the courage to live it in our daily lives. May our minds be renewed by the wisdom that comes from You, enabling us to understand between what is fair and what is false. May every step we take be firm on the rock of Your truth, and may our conduct reflect the values ​​of Your kingdom.
Give us, O Father, the humility to recognize when we make mistakes and the willingness to repent before You. May Your truth free us from all deception and lead us to the fullness of life in communion with You. May our faith be strengthened by the truth we find in Christ, our Savior and Lord.
Help us, O God, to share Your truth with love and compassion, so that all who are lost may find their way back to You. May our words and actions be a reflection of Your truth and Your love, attracting others close to you.
May Your truth sustain us through the trials and challenges we face, strengthening our faith and hope in You. May we live each day in communion with Your truth, experiencing the fullness of life that only You can offer.
In the name of Jesus, who is truth itself incarnate, we pray.
John 17:17 says, "Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth." These words were spoken by Jesus in a prayer to the Father, shortly before His crucifixion. In this passage, Jesus calls for the sanctification of His disciples through the truth, identifying the word of God as the truth itself. The prayer drawn up based on this verse reflects the desire to be sanctified by God's truth and live in accordance with His teachings, finding the fullness of life in communion with Him.
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