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The Great British Mortgage Swindle


TGBMS is a film about the crimes of the banksters

In the wake of the US sub-prime mortgage crisis, the UK housing market collapsed, the reality of which was much more shocking that the public ever imagined.
Insolvent banks were lending money they didn't have; mortgage fraud had been common practice for decades; conveyancing solicitors were giving illegal advice; whilst the police were violently enforcing the selective application of the law.
Then, when all seemed lost, a call to action rallied thousands from all over Britain, in support of the mavericks who took on the might of the banks, armed with nothing except the facts.
Nine years in the making, The Great British Mortgage Swindle is an urgently prescient, emotionally compelling and ultimately uplifting film, which lifts the lid on institutionalised mortgage fraud and the brutality of eviction by court order.
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Thanks for sharing, I didn't know about this story or the movie in question, so I'm going to watch the trailer.