I know Stacker News is a social platform, and as with any website, it has risk of being shut down by goverment. Now, is the risk real?
I know Nostr tries to solve this risk, but is it really necessary?
I get governments shutting down websites that handle big money out their control. Or governments trying to control money. That is why Bitcoin exists I guess. But sites that are for ideas and discussion?
I ask this because my user experience is far better here than in nostr.
this territory is moderated
We are living through an unprecedented era of censorship.
During the 2020-2021 lockdowns people got deplatformed, persecuted, arrested and jailed for talking freely about current events and subjects.
The recent war against "misinformation" and "fake news" is one aspect of this omnious censorship.
Thanks for your answer. I guess there is some risk, depending on the size of the user base. But right now here I feel no risk, as well as in twitter.