I want to self-host a Trello board for personal projects. I came across several options and chose NextCloud Deck because it seemed the easiest to setup and run.
I customized the labels, used some custom CSS to color things more to my liking. Created the columns and started filling them up.
It get things done but I had some issues:
  • The usability is nothing near Trello's
  • Image preview on cards do not work (image as covers works just fine)
  • No bulk editing
  • I haven't found a way to create cards in bulk
  • You can export and import decks via the Calendar App (WHY???)
  • You have to open a card to edit its tags
  • Tag customization is cumbersome
Now the pros:
  • Fully integrated with NextCloud Apps and ecosystem.
  • Easy to add users and collaborate
  • Cards can have due dates
  • Cards can be assigned to users
  • Easy to move things around
  • Easy to install
  • Easy to use out of the box
  • some interesting 3rd party integrations (I didn't test)
I plan on testing LibreBoard later, but for now NextCloud Deck is good enough.

NextCloud Deck:

Other Trello alternatives:

I missed JIRA 3.0. I was self-hosted Atlassian suite back in early 2010. Since everything is running in a LAN, I never have to worry about data leaks.
Some companies use discourse as a replacement for trello. I seriously recommend it. (of course it's open-source and can be self-hosted)