I have had the benefit of having a hard-driving male mentor from The Bronx and a Jewish female mentor who was driven until they screwed her under my very eyes and stunted my career because I wouldn't throw her under the bus and make her lose her disability. I seriously learned work-life balance with this perspective.
I'm not entirely sure where I got it from, because both of my parents were workaholics.
For some reason, it just never made sense to me that I should prioritize spending time at work over spending time with my friends and family.
I am from the warrior class. Military all the way back to the Civil War. Except me. I became the pot smoking, acid dropping college student, but I still carry remnants of the loyalty/dedication bug.
I just read this line in Simone’s book: it is family until it isn’t.
You must have felt helpless and indignant during that time - not a good recipe for mental health