Born in London on May 3, 1991, son of Andrea and Antonia Salzano, he was baptized on May 18 of the same year at the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows.
From early childhood, Saint Carlo Acutis showed signs of holiness, always being a charitable, kind and loving child towards everyone. Very knowledgeable about computers, Carlo created a blog in which he cataloged the Eucharistic miracles that took place around the world, which was something extraordinary, given that the internet was not so accessible at the time. The center of Carlo's spirituality was the Eucharist and he was also deeply in love with the Virgin Mary. He learned from an early age to imitate the shepherd children of Fátima, always offering sacrifice for the sinners. He was an extremely charitable young man, especially towards the homeless.
In October 2006, he was diagnosed with leukemia, the disease was serious and aggressive, causing him to be hospitalized. With his trust in God, he patiently accepted all suffering and, days before. After being hospitalized, Carlo Acutis offered all his suffering to God, for Pope Benedict XVI and for the Church. On October 11, 2006, Carlo was brain dead and on October 12 he left for eternity, leaving his trail of holiness throughout the world.
Carlo Acutis was beatified on October 10, 2020 in Assisi, Italy, where his body is for veneration in the Sanctuary of Expoliation.
Carlo Acutis teaches us three extremely important things: the first is that holiness is a calling for everyone, regardless of age. The second, that it is possible to be “holy without ceasing to be young”, living your youth seeking God in prayer, the Eucharist and the rosary. The third teaching is that he is a saint of our times, a young man very close to us, from our generation. Therefore, inspired by In the life of this young man, let us seek to love God and walk the path of holiness.
Carlo Acutis' family wanted to donate his organs before his death. But the doctors didn't allow it because they said they were affected by leukemia.
“We were informed that Carlo's heart had stopped beating at 6:45 am on October 12, the day before the last apparition of Our Lady of Fátima. For us, this coincidence was not accidental. We lost our only son, an immense pain, but we were sustained by hope that he had not definitively disappeared from our lives, on the contrary, that he would be closer to us than before and that a better life awaited us", concluded Carlo Acutis' mother.
After Carlo's death, Father Marcelo Tenório, who works in the Parish
São Sebastião in Campo Grande, began to hold the annual mass in honor of Our Lady of Aparecida, always displaying a piece of Carlo's clothing.
During one of these celebrations, in 2010, a grandfather desperate with the diagnosis of his sick grandson took the child to the parish.
According to family reports, the boy was cured after touching Acutis's clothing.
"The child, I remember well, was stunted and had problems with an annular pancreas. She didn't eat anything, didn't ingest any solids or liquids and was cured soon after", declared Father Marcelo.
Tenório to G1 MS in November 2019.
This was the website he created, it still exists today.
"The Eucharistic Miracles of the World"
He's Spider-Man and an altar boy