I will withhold judgement on Breedlove, but I do find this thread compelling.
But I do think bitcoin matches the (relatively few) financial teachings of Christianity (and probably Islam)
Judaism too, case in point: Proverbs 13:11 - “Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.”
What this Proverb is clearly saying is to DCA and keep stackin'. Stay humble, avoid shitcoins and other get rich quick scams. Amen. 🙏
As an Atheist I was taught one important proverb from my father: "Don't be an asshole".
Is Bitcoin atheist money?
I was seeking humor rather than offense. I suggest you take your father's advice.
I got you, I was going for humour to, I was not trying to call you an asshole or anything, simply thought of the most general advice one could get.
Work on your delivery.