Good morning, you should try Dead Hang, just like @gnilma.
Irritates my shoulder unfortunately. I had a rotator cuff injury from pitching many years ago and mostly it never bothers me unless I try to pitch or do things like dead hang, pullups. I do like to do the dead hang but I can only do it in short bursts otherwise it feels like the cartilage in my shoulder is tearing (it's probably actually scar tissue stretching so maybe it is good to push it but I haven't tested that)
There’s a therapeutic exercise I like that may be applicable (if you’re interested)
With a yoga block flat on the hand of the affected arm, gently move the hand/block in an inward/outward motion, as if you were holding a pizza box and trying to serve pizza to everyone around you while only moving the hand/arm. To “lock” the upper arm in close to the body and only perform this with the lower arm/hand may get closer to the rotator cuff if I remember correctly.
Thanks for the recommendation. I will give it a shot.
Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that. Take care of your health
Oh I am fine. As I said it never bothers me. Only a few things irritate it. I am sure if I slowly built it up I could do the dead hangs without pain.