PRAYER OF THE DAY - Proverbs 12:18
Dear God of all goodness and compassion, as we begin this new day, we seek Your presence and guidance. We recognize the importance of the words we speak and the impact they have on others. May Your words of wisdom inspire our thoughts, our words and our actions on this day that begins.
Lord, grant us the grace to be instruments of Your love and kindness through our words. May we use our voices to uplift, encourage and comfort those around us. May every word that comes from our lips be like a source of life and hope for those who hear it.
It helps us to be patient and compassionate, even when faced with the most challenging situations. May we know how to choose our words with care and discernment, avoiding all types of evil, deceit or malice. May truth and kindness guide our conversations and relationships, enabling us to build bridges of understanding and reconciliation.
Lord, teach us to value the importance of silence when words are unnecessary, and the courage to speak when the truth needs to be proclaimed. May our words always be seasoned with love and grace, reflecting Your own loving and compassionate nature.
May, at the end of this day, we be able to look back and see that our words were a source of blessing and inspiration to those around us. May every interaction be permeated by Your presence, manifesting Your love to the world around us.
In the name of the God who is the Word incarnate, of the Spirit who inspires our words and of the Father who teaches us the wisdom of love, we pray.
The passage from Proverbs 12:18 says: "There are those who speak as with a piercing sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." This passage highlights the importance of the words we speak and the impact they have on others. The prayer created based on this verse reflects the desire to use words with wisdom and compassion, always seeking to edify and bring healing to those around us.
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