tories continue to double down on national service i see
As a former soldier I looked into this quite closely… it’s 30000 for one-year into the military.
Total regular army is 75000 and reserve 30000. Recruit intake each year is currently 10000. Who is going to train them? Where are they going to live?
The whole thing is very poorly thought out. It combines the Nordic disposition for military service with the French Macron concept of ‘le volunteer’. However, the Nordic countries are defence focused and don’t conduct military actions in foreign lands… are National Service conscripts exempt from service overseas.? Original National Service personnel saw service in Korea and Aden as well as other hot spots with 300+ being killed. Good luck with that in the media.
The only plus is it forces a chat about rights and obligations of citizens (que Darth). But these young people lost out on three years of their lives being locked down on COVID measures to protect older adults. It’s the same Boomers who then tell them they are work-shy scroungers and should ‘do a spell in the army’ while they are living in £1 million houses they bought for 50p in the South-East who have watched a few too many episodes of Dads Army.
Tory madness
i think this pretty much consolidates my concerns for the country as a whole: we appear to be living in a society that prioritizes the old at the expense of the young. which is, uh, a short-lived strategy.
lol - short lived. Yes. I can only imagine that’s because old people vote in the status quo. The wonderful lie (though simplified) that pensions go up with the RPI but your working wages can’t go up above CPI says it all.