The ID link is not at all broken because Bitcoin is a transparent, easily surveilled ledger.
It's trivial for an exchange to follow your activity after you withdraw and happens all the time, even with people's accounts being closed because they did something the exchange didn't like after they withdrew.
those stories are about IOUs, not about Bitcoin. 1 BTC = 1 BTC when you open a lightning channel. It is fully fungible. Period.
Or an interaction with the fiat system . I don’t see anything that is peer to peer that got flag for being “dirty” Bitcoin
But the Open dime is a bearer asset. If I go to a bitcoin conference and give the open dime to a random person who comes to my booth. And that person never uses it to get fiat and they keep it or spend it anonymously then the link is broken. If chain surveillance tracks the utxo from my own identity they still more data to find out who I gave the open dime to at the conference