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Hardly any other economy will be as affected by the demographic squeeze as Germany. The rapid ageing of the population means that fewer and fewer employees will have to finance a significantly growing number of pensioners. A rational mind would conclude that the number of hours worked per employee must increase, while the retirement age must be raised significantly and pension payments must at least be frozen in order to stabilize the system.
In the German case, however, we are dealing with politicians who have lost all touch with reality and find themselves in an ideological bubble. In this circulus vitiosus, politicians have succeeded in lowering the retirement age for certain groups, accelerating pension payments and at the same time significantly reducing the volume of work. The drastic way in which this policy works against the interests of its own population is unprecedented!
I'm guessing more immigration is the plan.
Last exit... I am in Spain/Greece now. Mentally I'm preparing for Florida/ Argentina
You should come to India.
I would love it. From my philosophical background I need to do it before I pass by....
Would Florida/Argentina be relatively easy to enter and live in (legally or otherwise?)
Well, I need to investigate further but the german passport helps
I can't speak to Argentina, but I think you'd like Florida.
I was there for the first time at the end of the 80s on Anna Maria Island with my family. At least I think that's what it was called. Florida is just wonderful. The last time I was there was about 12 years ago but I have only the best memories.
It's not only Germany, all of the Europe is facing this decline in workforce due to rising population of old people, low birth rate and a high number of people choosing to live single.
absolutely. living in spain and Greece, i can only confirm this. it would be all the more important to secure the energy supply, as it is the derivative or origin of prosperity. all economic activity derives from the supply of cheap energy. europeans should have a vested interest in recognizing exactly this in order to achieve the level of efficiency necessary to overcome the demographic cliff without major damage.