Very good genesis article. I appreciate, in particular, the important observation that the upgrading of a money that is less saleable to a money that is more saleable has an historic sequence that dates back before written history. From hunter gather, to agricultural, to villages - towns, cities, civil society, to the current digital age. It flows well and sets the stage for Bitcoin to establish itself as the saleable and durable in time and transferrable in space money most suited for the digital age. This is a good foundational article to build upon and I look forward to more.
If I may, there were three typos/grammos that distracted my reading of the article on your Substack, small bugs if you will that I can assist fixing:
  1. "It may be very well be"
  2. "fulfilling such an incredible important role"
  3. "the superior form of money, i.g. the money with"
To be clear, these do not dilute, but merely distract, from the well structured article.