PRAYER OF THE DAY - Psalms 73:28
Dear God, as we begin this new day, we turn our hearts to You for wisdom, strength and guidance. As the psalmist proclaimed, we know that being close to You is our supreme good, for we find in You our refuge and strength. May Your presence be our source of peace and security as we navigate the uncertain waters of life.
Lord, we recognize that in You we find everything we need. May we seek our satisfaction and contentment in You, instead of clinging to the riches and fleeting pleasures of this world. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on You, even when the temptations and distractions around us try to divert us from Your path.
Grant us the grace to cultivate a pure heart and a mind firm in You, so that we can remain steadfast in the face of the adversities we face. May our trust be completely placed in You, O Lord, for we know that You are our rock and our salvation.
Strengthen us to resist the negative influences of this world and enable us to live according to Your principles of love, justice and compassion. May our words and actions be a reflection of Your infinite love, spreading light and hope wherever we go.
Lord, guide us on this day with Your divine wisdom, showing us the path we should follow. Help us to walk in humility, recognizing that we are dependent on Your grace and mercy every step of the way.
In the name of Your love that sustains us, Your power that protects us and Your grace that saves us, we pray.
Psalm 73:28 declares, "As for me, it is good to be near God; in the Lord God I make my refuge, to proclaim all his deeds." This passage highlights the importance of seeking God's presence as our supreme good and trusting Him as our refuge and strength. The prayer created based on this verse reflects the desire for intimacy with God, trust in His providence and commitment to living in accordance with His principles.
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