USA West Indies
These were my picks before I saw yours, so don't feel guilty if we both crash and burn.
I don’t think team USA is ready for the parade of 6s they are about to partake in.
I don't know what that means. Did you have a stroke?
Asking to meh or @grayruby??
You're right Canada have some guns in their batting. Ryaan Pathan and Aaron Johnson can hit the ball a long way. It's interesting how US bowlers except Ali Khan are going to deal with the firepower of Canada!!
Sorry, we can't crash and burn as we won't meet on it. I'm out of the winning race even before it kicked off. Also, I would be making some silly and stupid predictions just for fun because it won't cost me a knock out punch. I'm out of winnings so no rules apply on me, no crashing and burning as well. Haha πŸ˜‚