Hello, today's entry will be divided into two parts, neither coherent nor related to my life like the previous ones.
The first of these parts is Happy Children's Day, remember that it doesn't matter whether you are already adults and have your own children or you are only ten years old, it is your holiday, after all, someone gave birth to you.
The second part of my statement is the fact that my friend gave me some reflections due to his outrage about the new conditions for using Windows or something like that, I haven't turned on the computer for weeks, so I won't say anything about my statements, usually from my phone. In fact, the level of data we share during our lives is simply staggering as we, Internet users: to register a phone number to activate it or to contract for the Internet, the consultant and service provider need our identity card, and then to use the Internet and communicate with the world, we set up several dozen accounts and accept various consents, we still send tons of photos, videos, multimedia, text information that is on someone else's servers, which in theory are protected by law, but in practice it varies, in addition, we often leave activity statuses turned on, thanks to which we can even determine what time we fell asleep on a specific day because we we hardly share our devices in the package depending on the person, we mark the places where we are, we give opinions, we keep family photos on the clouds, sometimes from less comfortable situations. In practice, the only thing that remains private are our sexual acts, and not necessarily when we pay for rubber bands, contraception or pregnancy tests in a store with a payment card or cash.