It's really heartbreaking to read about. While we aren't yet descending into hyperinflation in America, we are starting to learn what it means to live in a low-trust society.
Hopefully, the fiat nightmare will be over soon. I think the wheels are beginning to come off.
One reason I started lurking english-speaking sites as this so recently is because I'm not worried any more about Argentina but USA itself. No indicator shows signs of a slowdown but all the contrary. A storm is in the horizon my friend, we know very well how this works and what will ensue, and my greatest hope is reduced to ensure that the correct lessons will be learnt so that not that much time is wasted. I have been trying to humbly add my voice as a warning for months now. I even had a couple of interviews with Austin Petersen, both in twitter space and as podcast. Will keep trying to rise the message.