I wouldn't mind seeing notifications to the Salon when new territories launch (or are pulled out of archives), or are sent to the archive.
As far as territories go, I do worry about losing some of my faves, and hope they can stick around. That said, some territories overlap; when I want to talk about a podcast episode, I'm likely to look to the territory it applies to (tech, books, etc) since "podcasts" is such a broad term (and iirc, it had a high posting price). Stocks and Finance overlap as well, and while I loved Charts, it's another one like Podcasts where the contents could usually apply to another territory.
@davidw has a good post looking at how territories were doing a couple of months back, and I'm hoping we'll see more data and analysis as subterritories and other changes come down the pike.
Yeah but that’s the beauty of overlapping. Everyone is not going to catch everything and post it perfectly where it’s supposed to go. I am sure Reddit has tons of overlap but the ones that are most popular get the most interaction and activity for better or for worse.