To be honest I don’t practice as hard as I would like. Life gets in the way. So I just try to be consistent and make sure I am doing something every day even if it’s a shorter or less intensive session. Then when time allows I dive as deep into practice as I can and those times can be really transformative.
Keep going. Do only a little every day. I've practiced Hatha Yoga since 1988 formerly. I would go months without practice and I would suffer. A daily practice of standing up mindfully and facing the East first as this is where the sun is coming from is the best!!!!. Just 1 minute.
Then involve self care before, after and during. Get up and do this:
  1. Rinse nostrils three times
  2. Wash face three times
  3. Put water on the head / hair three times
The above is baptism. It is part of Islamic WooDoo. Then stand up and face the east and mentally or verbally note that I am facing the day and the rising sun.
I hope this helps.
Add more as needed and as the intuition demands.
Absolutely, 'keep going' is really important advice. And I think the discipline and reverence that you point to is also very important. Having sincerity and practising honestly.