Fountain, Strike and Electrum are lightning wallets. Some people insist on calling lntxbot a lightning wallet. A mostly comprehensive list of ln wallets can be found here. There are at least 25.
My favorites are bluewallet with selfhosted lndhub, and alby using the same lndhub wallets.
Phoenix is my favorite lightning wallet by far.
I like blue wallet for the on chain mobile wallet.
my favorite is Simple Bitcoin Wallet (SBW). I also think it's too complex for noobs (which is weird, given its name) so I would recommend muun or breez to a noob and then recommend they try out SBW later if they go farther down the rabbit hole.
This would be a great poll.
poll let me add only six options i think.
I'll be expanding it to more options. 10 might be enough. For this, you'll probably want like 20
yes 10 might be enough...
thank you K00b, fearless leader 💯