I half-listened to this podcast while doing other stuff, but I didn't take away the hard-line stance you seemed to have. Now I feel like I should listen to it again to see.
FWIW, my takeaway from half-listening: btc's principal job is to do what it's already doing, at the scale it's already doing it, constrained by the general tech / abstractions already available. Fucking with this risks everything, and everything should not be lightly risked. ETFs funding development will not be no-strings-attached and amounts to moral hazard.
We'll see if that holds up to a second listen.
129 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b OP 3 Jun
I might be guilty of letting it send me into an unjustified rage. He didn’t admit a hard line, but I sensed he was disguising it even though I listened to it assuming he was misunderstood and would swiftly clear things up. According to Odell he’s threatening people behind the scenes, trying to stop them from funding devs.