Third Party Representative

Once you have established what you wish to be called within the courtroom, usually just your first name, you can now claim you are the Third Party Representative for your legal fiction.
For example: “You can call me John, I am the third party representative for Mr John Henry Doe.”
Note: it may be prudent to establish who is the rightful legal owner of “Mr John Henry Doe” before offering to be the representative.
Also note: if you have brought proof of your own limited corporation, then you can claim you represent that.
The legal fiction that is used within these courts is NOT owned by you, but is crown copyrighted, so you could be committing fraud for speaking on behalf of said legal fiction.
Note: you can use this as the reason why you cannot accept the legal fiction or “corporate name” being used within court, as “Mr John Henry Doe” is not owned by you.
If you find yourself in court and the “claimant” happens to be a corporation, such as “The Police” or “The Council” or “The Inland Revenue”, then you, in turn, will require the name of the Representative for that “legal fiction”.
Because the claim is being made against you, you have the right to have the full name of the claimant in court on that day.
If there is no one within the courtroom who wishes to represent the corporation making the claim and therefore be accountable, liable and responsible for said corporation, then the court collapses.
For the court to move forward it will require the following:
  • John a “Private living person” representing – “Mr John Henry Doe” a Corporation.
  • Tom Dick Smith a “Private living person” representing – “The Government” a Corporation.