WHY GINGER WALLET? We live in a society reminiscent of Orwell's dystopian vision, where surveillance is pervasive, and your information is exploited to categorize and influence you. Bitcoin projects face increasing pressure to gather extensive data whenever possible.
This is why Ginger Wallet is designed as a zero-knowledge software. Its developers cannot collect any of your sensitive information. Your bitcoin transactions remain entirely your own business.
OPEN SOURCE Ginger Wallet is a free, open-source and deterministically reproducible software. Anyone can see, verify and even contribute to the code.
NON-CUSTODIAL Not your keys, not your coins. With Ginger Wallet, you have control over your private keys, granting you true financial self-sovereignty.
TRUSTLESS BY DESIGN The software is engineered to ensure that neither the public nor the developers can compromise your privacy. This is achieved through coinjoins, client-side block filtering, and communication via the Tor anonymity network..
EASY TO USE Ginger is designed as a user friendly Bitcoin wallet that automatically manages your privacy behind the scenes, including network connections, input selection, and coinjoining.
COMPREHENSIVE The wallet employs WabiSabi, an anonymous credential scheme designed to facilitate more accessible and efficient coinjoins. This enables users to leverage the best privacy tools without needing a significant amount of bitcoin in their wallet.
AFFORDABLE Coinjoining coins with a value exceeding 0.01 BTC incurs a 0.3% coordinator fee + mining fees. Inputs of 0.01 BTC or less, as well as remixes, are exempt from coordinator fees, even after a single transaction. Consequently, a payment made with coinjoined funds allows both the sender and the recipient to remix their coins without incurring any coordinator fees.
SECURE COINJOINS YOUR SECURITY IS OUR TOP PRIORITY! While it's a free market where anyone can act as a coordinator, few take responsibility. We are one of the few who do. With our secure background, we ensure your coins remain separate from illicit sources, making them acceptable by exchanges or other platforms. Additionally, we have sufficient liquidity to achieve excellent privacy levels.
Saturday, June 1st 2024—Effective immediately and until further notice, InvisibleBit LLC. is now blocking U.S. citizens and residents from visiting its websites, downloading and using Ginger Wallet and any related products and services, including APIs and RPC interfaces.Website here.
We prioritize your privacy and work diligently to keep your coins separate from illicit sources. Our dedication to security and liquidity ensures a high level of anonymity and trust.
We have partnered with one of the world's leading blockchain analytics companies. When new coins attempt to enter our CoinJoin for the first time, we use their coin verifier service to ensure that every coin you mix with has a low risk score.
Looks like a setup.
What do you mean?
If you really care about security, don’t use Github.
Lol when Ramen wallet for the poors?
Interesting….bookmarked. Thanks. 🙏